Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Coming Out Story

Note: The following writing is not written by any of the primary authors of Our Closet Door and may or may not reflect our beliefs.

"ok so this is my coming out story, my first experience was when i was in 7th grade i had relations with this guy, but i thought i was still straight, welll i kept talking to this boy, and then i knew i was bisexual. i felt as if my life was over because my parents did not agree with me being "bi". i kept my sexuality a secret until one day i was texting this guy who my sister had said was bisexual and i uhmm told him i wanted to kiss him, well my sister was told by him and she told my dad. my dad questioned me about it and i said yes, he said that they would try to heal me, at first i was ok with it cause i thought that all lgbtq people go to hell, i was ok with it for a while. well for some reason rumors spread and more people started to hear about my , dad quoted as my "condition" i was devastated and i was teased constantly at school because of my sexuality, i tried to committ suicide three times because i feared my life would be hell after i came out, my dad doesnt accept me today because im gay, he tld me that he doesnt want to have a gay son, well that breaks my heart because my dad is my everything and to have him not see, hear , or talk to me was hell to me, i finally tried to hurt myself once more and was almost succesful in doing so, finally my dad realized that and he sent me to fc, well i turned out with 2 gay foster parents! i was excited, i wasnt out to everyone until one day i got the courage to come out to everyone on fb. some of them were xcepting others were not but , yeah i feel that i am excepted at the foster home im in, they are very supportive and amazing. my mom also excepts me , she told me that she wants me to love who i want to love, my mom goes to prides, she lives through me , she loves me for who i am but my dad still doesnt acccept me but im ok with, sometimes it depresses me but others im ok with it, i hope that one day he will learn to love me for who i am , i am glad that i am being exceptted by my best friends and my mom and my foster family, i am happy now, i fell that i can finally live at peace"

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